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Instructions on how to handle plumbing clogged


You will not feel uncomfortable whenever plumbing, tub or drain any items in your house accidentally blocked yourself because you can solve this problem just by following a few tips.
Clothes Hangers
Simple but incredibly effective. You just need to "equip" a metal coat hanger and straighten it out. Then bend one end to form a small hook blade. Pass the hook through the water hose and start doing stage "the bait". You can get all tangled locks, as well as other things have unfortunately fallen into their home plumbing. But you also should not be inserted too deeply desire to get just as many things as possible from the water pipe. When you have completed your work, please flush the tube with hot water to help clean the pipe.
Baking powder (baking soda) and vinegar
Blending a mixture of about 1/3 cup baking powder and baking 1/3 cup vinegar. As soon as the mixture starts bubbling, take immediate steps down pipes are clogged. It will help "clean up" problems in the tube things like hair, dirt or debris accumulation. About an hour later, or even through a night you just rinse with hot water pipes. Also there is a way that you can apply baking powder that is poured directly into the front tube and then poured vinegar. Generally both will bring unexpected effect.
Use versatile vacuum cleaner
If you have a versatile vacuum cleaner (both liquid smoke), this is a great tool to perform the plumbing work. First, you need to move into a mode of machines absorbency. Then you should carefully wrapped straws to prevent damage during use. Trying to silence a sealed tube as possible and then to the suction tube into the water and began to make the pipe work. Certainly this method will promote more effective.
Boiling water
We can say this is the most simple tips that anyone of us can also be performed. You just boil a full kettle and then pour it slowly down the tube about two to three times, each time for a few seconds, enough time for hot water can be "effective".
Caustic soda
To accomplish this method you should first prepare a pair of gloves and eye glass coverage. Caustic soda (also known under the name sodium hydroxide) can cause burns or damage some other chemical. Pour 3 liters of cold water into a clean bucket then add 3 cups caustic soda. Q-tips are mixed with chopsticks or a small wooden stick. The mixture will foam immediately and evaporation. Pour it into clogged pipes for 20-30 minutes and rinse with hot water pipes. You can make a second if the tube is not really.
Clean the small pipe
This work is quite easy. First, put an empty bucket under the U-shaped pipe under the sink or sink your home. The barrel will catch all the water from the tank can overflow. Then you just borrow a plumber's wrench to loosen the two screws on the top tube. After the tube has been removed to make it upside down for all of the problems that may fall below the barrel. You can use water or old toothbrush to clean than my tube.
Salt and baking powder
Mix 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup of baking soda and water is poured into the clogged pipe. After about 10-20 minutes you flush the tube with hot water. Salt, baking powder and hot water will create a chemical reaction that can remove some of the debris "nasty" one.
Dishwashing liquid
If the toilet is clogged, then you can mix 1/4 cup of dishwashing soap in a bowl. Then get a little hot water heater. Dishwashing liquid will act as a lubricant to help clean the residue type. Then you should flush the hot water down to complete the process.

Trụ sở chính: C4/3A Bùi Thanh Khiết, KP.3, thị trấn Tân Túc, huyện Bình Chánh, Tp.HCM
Kho hàng Miền Tây: C4/3A Bùi Thanh Khiết, KP.3, thị trấn Tân Túc, H.Bình Chánh, Tp.HCM

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